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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

By using this website, any of its menus, categories or subcategories, sections or subsections, as well as the emergence, development and termination of any legal relationship arising from the use of this site, you provide your consent to be bound from the present general conditions for use of the site, as well as from all other conditions, regulating separate legal relations, conditioned by its use. Under the hypotheses mentioned in the previous sentence, you also provide your consent to the collection and use for the purposes of the site and the legal relations conditioned by it on the personal information provided by you. The binding of the general and profiled conditions is applicable both to the current configuration of the site and to all changes in it, made in the form of additions and changes or the introduction of new menus, categories, sections and others. If you do not agree with the above or do not wish to provide your consent to be bound by the general or special conditions of the site, you are not allowed to visit it, use it or be a party to its legal relationship.

If you have any questions and/or comments regarding our site, you can contact us as provided in the "contacts" section of the home page of the site.


This document contains General Terms and Conditions, according to which DECIBEL AD provides services to its users/customers through the website www.decibel.bg. These terms are binding on all users. By pressing the buttons "ORDER", "REQUEST AN OFFER" the user/client agrees, fully accepts and undertakes to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Identification of the user/client in order to reproduce his statement is done through the log files stored on the server of this website, storage of the IP address of the user/client, and any other information.

The products available on this website do not represent a legally binding offer but are rather a demonstrative online catalogue describing the product line of the trader.

The MERCHANT reserves the right to refuse delivery of confirmed orders in case the goods are not available. In the absence of stock of the ordered goods, within the working week, the TRADER notifies the consumer/customer of its exhaustion by sending a message to the e-mail address specified by the Customer or the specified telephone number. In case a transfer has been made to the merchant's account, the customer will be able to choose between a refund, a cancellation of the order or a replacement order.

The contractual language is English, and payments will be made in the local currency where the website is used. By using this website, any of its menus, categories or subcategories, sections or subsections, as well as the emergence, development and termination of any legal relationship arising from the use of this site, you provide your consent to be bound from the present general conditions for use of the site, as well as from all other conditions, regulating separate legal relations, conditioned by its use. Under the hypotheses mentioned in the previous sentence, you also provide your consent to the collection and use for the purposes of the site and the legal relations conditioned by it on the personal information provided by you. The binding of the general and profiled conditions is applicable both to the current configuration of the site and to all changes in it, made in the form of additions and changes or the introduction of new menus, categories, sections and others. If you do not agree with the above or do not wish to provide your consent to be bound by the general or special conditions of the site, you are not allowed to visit it, use it or be a party to its legal relationship.

If you have any questions and/or comments regarding our site, you can contact us as provided in the "contacts" section of the home page of the site.


The consumer/customer bears the full risk of damage/loss of the goods upon delivery. Immediately after delivery of the goods by courier, the TRADER is released from the risk that is transferred to the consumer/customer. The TRADER is not responsible for delays in case the delay is due to a courier or other supplier.

Immediately after delivery, the goods should be carefully inspected by the consumer/customer or a person authorised by him. Any damage, shocks and other damages should be reported immediately to the TRADER. In the event that damage is found to have occurred during the transportation of the goods, the TRADER is not responsible for the warranty service of this product. In cases where the TRADER has set in writing specific dates and times for delivery, the statement is binding. In case of incorrect or wrong address, contact person and/or phone when submitting the application the TRADER is not bound by any obligation to fulfil the order.

Upon delivery of the goods, the customer or a person authorised by him shall sign the accompanying documents. An authorised person is considered to be anyone who is not the holder of the application, but accepts the goods for delivery and is at the address specified by the customer.

In case of refusal to receive the goods, except for the cases described below, the refusal is considered unfounded and the Customer must pay the costs of delivery and return of the goods. In case the Customer is not found within the deadline for delivery to the specified address or access and conditions for delivery of the goods are not provided within this period, the TRADER is released from its obligation to deliver the goods ordered for purchase.

When the delivered goods obviously do not correspond to the goods ordered for purchase by the Client and this can be established by its ordinary inspection,

The customer may request that the goods delivered to him be replaced with those corresponding to the purchase application made by him within 24 hours of receipt.


Prices, if any, listed on the site may or may not include transportation to the delivery address, depending on the seller's current marketing strategy. In case the goods are sent outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, the consumer/customer should pay all customs and others. export-related fees.


The user/client has the opportunity to view and order the announced goods on the website of the TRADER.

The user /customer has the right to be informed about the status of his order.

The user is obliged to pay the price of his order according to the way if announced on this page.

Every user regardless of whether he is a client of the TRADER is obliged to use the services:

not to violate and respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and human rights, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Bulgaria and recognised international acts;

not to damage the good name of another and not to call for a violent change of the constitutional order, to commit a crime, to violence against the person or to incite racial, national, ethnic or religious hatred;

not to infringe another's property or non-property, absolute or relative rights and interests, such as property rights, intellectual property rights, etc .;

to observe the Bulgarian legislation, the applicable foreign laws, the rules of morals and good manners and the Internet ethics when using the services provided by DECIBEL AD;

to immediately notify the TRADER of any case of committed or discovered violation when using the provided services;

not to download, send, transmit, distribute or use in any way and not to disclose to third parties software, computer programs, files, applications or other materials containing computer viruses, unauthorised remote control systems ("Trojan horses"), computer codes or materials designed to interrupt, impede, disrupt or limit the normal operation of computer hardware or software or telecommunications equipment or aimed at unauthorised intrusion into or access to foreign resources or software; not to commit malicious acts;

to indemnify the MERCHANT and all third parties for all damages and lost profits, including for all costs and paid attorney's fees, incurred as a result of claims from and/or paid compensations to third parties in connection with websites, hyperlinks, materials or information that the User has used, posted on the server, sent, distributed, made available to third parties or made available through this website in violation of the law, these Terms and Conditions, good manners or Internet ethics;

The customer is obliged to indicate an accurate and valid telephone number, delivery address and e-mail address, to pay the price of the goods, to pay the delivery costs when it is not free and to provide access and opportunity to receive the goods. If it is not explicitly stated that the delivery is free of charge, it is considered to be remunerative.


The TRADER does not have the obligation and the objective possibility to control the way in which the users use the provided services.

The TRADER has the right, but not the obligation to save materials and information located on the server of this website.

The MERCHANT has the right at any time, without notifying the User / Client when the latter uses the services in violation of these terms and conditions, and at the discretion of the MERCHANT to terminate, suspend or change the services provided in connection with the use of the site. The TRADER is not liable to consumers and third parties for damages and lost profits caused by the termination, suspension, change or the restriction of services, deletion, modification, loss, inaccuracy, inaccuracy, or incompleteness of messages, materials or information transmitted, used, recorded or made available through this website.

- The MERCHANT, after receiving the payment, is obliged to transfer to the consumer/customer the ownership of the goods ordered for purchase, to deliver in time the goods ordered for purchase, to check for technical conditions of each item before shipping (if this is possible without compromising the integrity of the packaging).

The MERCHANT is not liable for damages caused to software, hardware or telecommunications equipment, or for loss of data resulting from materials or resources sought, downloaded or used in any way through the services provided. The advice, consultations or assistance provided by the specialists and employees of the TRADER in connection with the use of the services by the users does not give rise to any responsibility or obligations for the TRADER. The company is not responsible for incorrect information provided by the manufacturer about the product.

The TRADER has the right to collect and use information related to its Users/customers, regardless of whether they are registered.

The information under the previous article may be used by the TRADER, except in case of explicit disagreement of the User, sent to the following e-mail address, contact@decibel.bg TRADER collects and uses the information to improve the services offered. All purposes for which the TRADER will use the information will be in accordance with Bulgarian law, applicable international instruments and good manners.

The TRADER is not responsible for the non-fulfilment of its obligations under this contract in the event of circumstances that the TRADER did not foresee and was not obliged to foresee - including cases of accidental events, problems in the global Internet and in the provision of services outside the control of the TRADER

The MERCHANT has the right to install cookies on users' computers. Cookies are text files that are saved by the website on the User's hard drive and allow recovery of information about the User, identifying and allowing tracking of his actions, the websites he visits, the hyperlinks he uses, the information he uses and records others.


The TRADER guarantees to its Users/clients the confidentiality of the provided information and personal data. The latter will not be used, provided or brought to the attention of third parties except in the cases and under the conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions. The MERCHANT protects the personal data of the user/customer, which became known to him when filling in the electronic form for making a purchase application, and this obligation is waived in case the Customer has provided incorrect data. Subject to applicable law and the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, the TRADER may use the personal data of the Client only for the purposes specified in the contract. Any other purposes for which the data are used will be in accordance with Bulgarian legislation, applicable international acts, Internet ethics, and rules of morals and morals.

The TRADER undertakes not to disclose any personal data about the Client to third parties - government agencies, companies, individuals and others, except when he has received the express written consent of the Client, the information is requested by government agencies or officials whom current legislation is empowered to request and collect such information. The TRADER is obliged to provide the information by law.


The General Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time by the TRADER, who has the right to change the characteristics of the services provided and these General Terms and Conditions on the basis of changes in legislation. The TRADER is obliged to inform the User about the changes in the General Terms and Conditions by publishing a notice of their changes in a prominent place on its website and giving sufficient time to get acquainted with them. Within the given period, if the User does not declare that he rejects the changes, he is considered bound by them. In case the User declares within the given term that he does not agree with the changes, the TRADER has the right to immediately suspend or terminate the provision of services to the User.


By "User / Client" is meant anyone who has loaded this Internet site on their computer.

"Order" means the selected goods and all other attributes related to the method of delivery and payment of the goods by the customer/consumer.

This website is wholly owned by DECIBEL AD.

All disputes between the parties shall be settled in a spirit of understanding and goodwill. In the event that no agreement is reached, all unresolved disputes. These, including disputes arising from or relating to its interpretation, invalidity, performance or termination, as well as disputes over filling in gaps in the contract or adapting it to new circumstances, will be resolved by the competent court for registration of the TRADER under the Bulgarian law and corresponding international laws.


Last Revision: 14 June 2022

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